Sunday, October 23, 2011

I helped daddy fix the tractor. I'm a good helper. Then I helped daddy mow up all the leaves. We have a lot of leaves and it takes a little while to get the job done. But we used teamwork and it is done.

Momom and I went to the Halloween store. I wasn't scared. I'm brave. I was a little bit scared but not too much.

I have a secret and I'm going to keep it. I decorated the whole street because Ms. Claire's daughter is coming home from the desert. It was hot and there was a lot of sand there. I don't know if she saw a cactus there, but I think she might have. I will ask. I put up red and blue and yellow ribbons all over. My favorite color is yellow, that's why I got two rolls of yellow ribbon. I think that Erin will be super happy to see all of the ribbons. I hope that she likes the yellow best!

1 comment:

  1. You are a great helper! None better. I am sure that Erin will appreciate and like the yellow ribbon crepe paper. I bet her mom is glad to have her home.

    Have fun at school this week.
    Love, Nana
