Friday, March 30, 2012

I went to Chuck E Cheese yesterday and it was totally awesome. I won a lot of tickets and earned target guns. You just aim the gun at the cans, squeeze the handle and whamo! The cans knock down. But you have to aim. I'm good at aiming.

Today we are having a cupcake party in school. Momom is going to bring them in for my whole class. I asked her and she said yes because she loves me. Everybody is going to be so happy to have a cupcake. I will pass them out and they will say thank you. I like doing that job.

Guess what! Next week is Spring break. That means that I don't have to go to school. Daddy gets to stay home too. We are going to have so much fun! I like Momom Daddy Robby stay at home days. Do you?

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