Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Did you know that it is Christmas time? We have lights up and a ginormous snowman in our front yard. We even have lights on my tree house!!!

Santa Claus is going to be coming very soon. I am asking him for an archer set. It has arrows with suction cups and a target. I think it will be fun. I hope that he brings me an archer set. What do you want Santa to bring you?

Guess what? I got a letter in the mail from Santa Claus. He sent it to me because my name was on it. He told me that I am on the nice list and that I need to make him some cookies. I like baking cookies. He said that he likes sugar cookies best, so that is what I am going to make. I am good at baking cookies.

We don't have a Christmas tree yet. I wish we had one but Momom said we will get to cut it down. I hope it doesn't fall on my head!
That's all.


  1. Hi, Robby
    I am glad you are on Santa's nice list. You are a good boy.
    I don't think the tree will fall on your head. It will be fun to find a tree and cut it down. Maybe they will have a hayride, too! Have a good time.

  2. Hi Robby,
    You are so lucky to get a letter from Santa! I knew you would be on the nice list...you are such a help to your mom and I know how kind you are to Mr. Bill. Santa will love your cookies, I'm sure. I bet you will get your Christmas tree soon. You will have a wonderful time finding the perfect one and chopping it down. Mom and dad will make sure you are safe :) Have a great rest of the week!
