Friday, April 6, 2012

Guess what? I don't have school because we are off for Spring break. I like Momom Daddy Robby stay at home days. It's fun just staying home and playing.

I went to New York City with Momom and Daddy. We went on a train and whamo- we were in New York City. It is so big it will blow your mind. There is a cowboy who wears white underwear and a ferris wheel in the toy store and we could see the whole wide world from our hotel room. See, I told you it would blow your mind.

You aren't going to believe this- but the Easter Bunny left me something special. I woke up this morning and boom- there it was. He left me a bag full of magic beans. You plant the beans on Saturday and they will grow when they have Easter Magic. Do you know what they grow into? I will tell you. The beans grow into lollipops. See, I told you you wouldn't believe it!

**This is Momom-- notice no mention of seeing himself on the Jumbotron in Times square- apparently that did NOT make an impression- but the Naked Cowboy did."

1 comment:

  1. WOW! Magic beans sound very cool! I can't wait to see the lollipops.

    I am glad you had fun in New York.

    Love, Nana
