Sunday, January 29, 2012

I was sick this week. My ears were hurting and I had a fever. Momom gave me Daddy's special ear medicine and it made me feel better. Now I take pink army medicine in the morning and when it is dark. I take it for a few more days. It's cherry and delicious.

Guess what! We're selling cookie dough for my school. I love cookie dough. I'm a good cookie dough seller.

I went to Nick's birthday party at Jumping Jimmy's. We had a lot of fun. I had to take a little break because I got pooped out. But then I got up and played Ninjas more. We ate pizza and cake. I hope I can have my party there when it is my birthday.


  1. Cookie dough? Tell your mommy to skype me so that I can give you an order.

    I hope your ears feel better. The medicine is a great army to fight those mean germs. Keep healthy!

    Your birthday party sounded like a lot of fun. I bet your party will be fun, too.
    Love, Nana

  2. I'm so excited for your birthday party. Tiffany, Jacob and Jared love cake too. I hope you feel better soon. I love you so much.


