Wednesday, December 14, 2011

You are never ever going to believe this. This is going to blow your mind, man. I was sitting on the comfy couch, watching Kung Fu Panda, when I heard a jingle jingle coming from my bedroom. I was like, "Whoa dude, did you hear that?"

Momom and Daddy and me went back to my bedroom. Guess what? Santa's elves came to my house. They left me a Nutcracker and a letter from Santa. I guess the elves know how much I like Nutcrackers!

Santa told me to keep being good. Guess what?! He also said that I need to tell Nick to be good. I cannot believe that those elves came to my house!

We only have 10 more days until Christmas. I know because I opened up the 10 window this morning. It was a chocolate. I don't like chocolate but I like chocolate from Santa. Oh, and sometimes I like Tootsie Rolls.