Wednesday, October 26, 2011

I was sick. Dr. Takanti gave me new medicine, but it wasn't the pink medicine. It was sour. I really really REALLY don't like the sour medicine. It makes me throw up. I don't like throwing up.

I was sick but now I am better. Today we are going to carve pumpkins at school. I'm good at that. I'm going to carve a happy face because I like happy faces. Do you?

Guess what! Last night I had a super duper happy dream. I was in a lollipop forest. It was kind of like our forest, but instead of trees there were lollipops. Instead of water there was a milkshake stream. Do you want to know something funny? There were fish in the stream, but they were gummy fish like in Mickey Mouse. Isn't that funny!! I really like happy dreams.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

I helped daddy fix the tractor. I'm a good helper. Then I helped daddy mow up all the leaves. We have a lot of leaves and it takes a little while to get the job done. But we used teamwork and it is done.

Momom and I went to the Halloween store. I wasn't scared. I'm brave. I was a little bit scared but not too much.

I have a secret and I'm going to keep it. I decorated the whole street because Ms. Claire's daughter is coming home from the desert. It was hot and there was a lot of sand there. I don't know if she saw a cactus there, but I think she might have. I will ask. I put up red and blue and yellow ribbons all over. My favorite color is yellow, that's why I got two rolls of yellow ribbon. I think that Erin will be super happy to see all of the ribbons. I hope that she likes the yellow best!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Guess what! Momom and me went to Pumpkinville today with Nick. Nick's mommy was there too. We had fun. It was a little bit cold but not too bad. I saw my goats and the turtle. He is a really really really big turtle. Sometimes I sit on him but today I did not sit on him. I just didn't want to sit- that's all.

I went down slides on my tummy. It was a good thing I was wearing my coat because it got really dirty. We went super fast down the slides. Nick and me raced. Sometimes I won and sometimes he won. Momom never won, but she still had fun.

I drove the haunted school bus. I'm a good bus driver. I wonder why the haunted bus doesn't have any seats.

Tomorrow when I wake up it is going to be Momom, Daddy and Robby stay at home day. I like that day.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Today the firemen came to my school. I got to sit in the truck and practice my driving. Guess what! The fireman with the red shirt pulled out a ginormous hose and I got to hold it. It was so big it was just amazing. And then they turned on the water and BOOM... it almost knocked me off my feet onto my bum. It was so freakin' strong it almost took me down man!

Momom and Daddy and me built a fire. I shoveled the ash out of the bottom with a little shovel. I didn't make too much of a mess. The fire is big. I like it when we have fires. Charlie Cat and Angry Sophie like the fires too, but they don't get too close because their hair could catch on fire. That would hurt!

Momom said I can have some icecream but then I have to go to bed. Tomorrow is going to be a fun day. And then I have a Momom and Daddy and Robby stay at home day. Hooray!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I like Mickey Mouse. I saw Mickey Mouse with Momom when we went to California. It takes a long time to get to California. We had to take two planes.

I am going to school. I don't have to take a plane to get to school but I do have to take a car. I think we could walk. Maybe someday Momom will let me walk to school. I think that would be fun.

Guess what! Today Momom and me are going to make ghosts. I have a big pile of string that I cut with scissors. I used regular scissors because I don't like safety scissors. Safety scissors are just not very safe. I don't know how to make ghosts but Momom will teach me. I think I will like it. We have to hang ghosts everywhere because I am having a party.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Cake Pops

Well I went to school today. I did not want to go to school. I cried because I just did not want to go. I miss Momom when I am at school- that's all.

I played cops and robbers with Nick. I have to bring juice and lots of pennies too. Then Momom came and picked me up.

Momom and me made cake pops today. We put the cake dough into the machine and I closed the lid. I'm good at that. Momom took the balls out of the machine when they were all cooked up. We put them on a stick and dipped them into orangey icing. We made little pumpkins with happy faces. I like happy faces. Do you like happy faces?

I ate one. It was just like eating a lollipop, only it was cake. I only like cherry lollipops though.

Now Momom and me are going to watch Veggie Tales. We made popcorn and I put the cheese on. I'm good at that.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


I have been sick. I have the coughy coughs, boogies in my nose and my ears are farting. The doctor put me on pink medicine. I like the pink medicine, but I don't like the red medicine.

Guess what! Momom and me found a snake in the house today. We were just standing in the kitchen. I was getting more strawberry drink and Momom was on the phone. All of a sudden I heard Momom scream, like this.. "EEEKKKKKKKKKKKK." It scared the crap out of me when she screamed like that!

I told Momom to be brave. We worked together- using teamwork- and got that ginormous snake out of our house. Momom put it in a jar for me to show Daddy. The poor little guy died when Momom accidentally squashed his head. Poor snaky, but accidents happen.

Friday, October 7, 2011

I like to eat noodles for breakfast. Sometimes Momom makes them and puts them in a cereal bowl for me. It is a funny breakfast.

I don't want to go to school today. I want to stay home with Momom and Charlie and Angry Sophie. I miss Momom when I am at school. I just don't want to go. But I do have fun at recess. I like to play cops and robbers with Nick and the girl with striped grey pants. She doesn't always wear striped grey pants though. Sometimes her pants are blue or pink. Sometimes she doesn't wear pants because she is wearing a dress. Mr. Bill told me that I should ask her name, but I am just too busy playing cops and robbers.

That's all for my blog. See you tomorrow. Hey, did you catch the kiss I just sent? don't forget to put it in your heart!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Robby's first blog

(dictated to Momom)

My name is Robby. I am five. I live in Virginia with Momom and Daddy and Charlie and Angry Sophie. Charlie and Angry Sophie are cats. I go to school and I have a tree house. Tonight I watched the Lion King movie. It was good. I really liked it. I loved it. I love my helicopter that I got from tool school. I love Momom and I love to roast marshmallows. I like taking pictures and I like helping to make a fire. I like picking Charlie up and eating cookie dough.

My favorite color is yellow. That is why my blog is yellow. Do you like yellow? Now I have a blog like Momom.